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In Class observation, support and advice

For schools and staff with very distressed children and young people in class or around the school. Minimum half day in school observation of the behaviours and current strategies. Discussions with the relevant people in school in order to get a full picture of the child's needs in class and during the school day.


Suggestions and advice offered to improve the situation for the child and others. Verbal feedback and advice given followed by a detailed written report detailing the facts of the observation and actions suggested based on outcomes which can be linked to the child's plan and documentation. 


Half day in school support with report and recommendations



Consultancy focused on Behaviour and Engagement

Commissioned by the School's Leadership Team. The consultancy looks at areas of the Ofsted Inspection framework around engagement and positive learning behaviour. It can also focus on safeguarding and the emotional well being of children. It supports the schools development plan and self review from an external source. Short lesson observations are made to all classes and evidence will be collated under headings. Looking at engagement ; pace of lessons, positive learning environment, active learning and positive relationships. Unstructured time is also observed and children's attitude and conduct around the building. Evidence is noted and a detailed report written on areas of strength and with recommendations for any development areas.

Verbal feedback to SLT on the day.

Half day learning walk with report  £300 
Full day learning walk with report £500 
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